Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

Unity and uniformity in religion

Our world is becoming more and more divided because of the deep division within the human heart. This intra-personal conflict could be the reason for

You too can make it

Joseph lost his mother at a tender age. He was hated by his brothers who plotted to kill him and sold him into slavery. He made it. Ruth was a widow w

The night is over

Why is it that most people who suffer loss never recover? Why is it that most people who fall never rise again? For many who manage to work out a leve

Christianity and burial carnivals

In his book, African Religions and Philosophy, the renowned African philosopher John S. Mbiti says: “For the Africans, death is a separation and not a

The Lord gives a new commandment

Jesus told his followers: “A new commandment I give to you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34). What ma