Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

Jesus is alive, He is risen!

The resurrection of the Lord Jesus was not an accidental occurrence. It was planned by God. It was predicted in many places in the Old and New Testame

CAN preaches sacrificial living as Christians celebrate Palm Sunday

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Oyo state Branch, on Sunday, urged Christians to take advantage of the significance of Palm Sunday to imbi

Significance of Jesus’ 7 utterances on the cross

Jesus came for one single purpose: to pay the ultimate price for man’s redemption. This took the pain and horror of death on the Cross. We are very fa

The agony of human inconsistency

When the Church celebrates “Palm Sunday”, the first part of the liturgy is the blessing of the palms that is distributed among the worshippers who mov

Praise provokes miracles

We know that God’s presence is man’s ideal environment. Praise is God’s dwelling. Praise is our access to his presence. Praise is God’s prescription f