Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

Love and the believer’s mission on earth (2)

In part one last week we established that the entire salvation plan is founded on the deep love God has for humanity. We talked about the characterist

Dividers and connectors in peace building

Hunger is one of the strong dividers in human existence while abundant food is a strong connector that brings people together. Hunger has turned some

Love and the believer’s mission on earth (1)

The believer’s Missions on earth is well articulated in the Bible. Jesus, we are told, established the church for five purposes as revealed in the Gre

Lent, a time to examine our interior castles

We have commenced our Lenten season amidst the trials and tribulations that have come to characterise our elections. Elsewhere, elections are a routin

The complete package

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.” 2 Corinthians 13:14   Ther