Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

The power of vision – 1

T here are five faculties of the soul you need to understand and harness for your progress: Memory: with it you contact the past. Intellect: with it y

Religion and societal change

As the elections are approaching, the volume of hate speeches is reaching the peak. Mutual trust is giving way to mutual suspicion. Religion is being

Life is worth living in this world of distress

Whatever has a beginning must surely have an end. The future is God’s divine secret while the past remain history. The time in our possession is only

Bringing the best out of your life

Leviticus 9:6, “And Moses said, This is the thing which the LORD commanded that ye should do: and the glory of the LORD shall appear unto you.” Glory

Catholic church may amend celibacy rule, Pope says

The Catholic Church’s long-standing rule on priestly Celibacy might be amended, but only in exceptional cases concerning remote Communities, Pope Fran