Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

Religion and our common humanity

The word “religion” is derived from the Latin “religare”, meaning, “to tie” or “to bind.” In this sense, religion binds a person to a community, cultu

Blood guiltiness and vagabond spirits

God forbids shedding of innocent blood (Proverbs 6:17-19). The fourth commandment says, “Thou shalt not kill.” Exodus 20:13. Abortion is shedding the

Life is worth living in this world of distress

Whatever has a beginning must surely have an end. The future is God’s divine secret while the past remains history. The time in our possession is only

Destiny deliverance and recovery

One of the commonest complaints I hear frequently is that things are not working well or not working at all. Why are things working for some and not w

Religious tolerance among youths

God created human beings in love and commanded that human beings should love one another. God did not command human beings to tolerate one another. Yo