THE Retirement Planner

THE Retirement Planner

The Golden Years – Have a Routine (II)

Last week, we defined what a routine is and brought out the benefits of having one. We also commenced discussions on the principles of creating a rout

The Golden Years – Have a Routine (I)

We have previously mentioned that when an individual retires from their job, one of the things ‘taken away’ from them is the structure and discipline

The golden years – Managing relationships (V)

Today we will conclude on some of the causes of difficulties in relationships and what we may be able to do about them. Lack of interest: Relationship

The golden years – Managing relationships (IV)

We are continuing today with additional factors that can cause difficulties in relationships and what we may do about them.  Not adding value: Knowing

The Golden Years – Managing Relationships (III)

Over the last two weeks, we defined what relationship management is, its importance, the features of healthy relationships, and how to nurture existin