THE Retirement Planner

THE Retirement Planner

The Golden Years – Managing Relationships (II)

Last week, we introduced the concept of relationship management, its importance in all stages of our lives, the features of healthy relationships, and

The Golden Years – Managing Relationships (I)

Today we will take up an important factor in the success of individuals and societies in all stages of life and civilisations: Managing Relationships.

The Golden Years – What will you be doing?

So far, we have covered various issues such as how to prepare our minds as we think through, plan and manage finances and health before and into retir

Retirement Planning – ‘The Day After’

Just ‘yesterday’, you spent the last day at your former office as an employee or business executive/owner. You had a send-off party that was touching,

Retirement planning – Health management (V)

Without diminishing any of the factors and larger determinants of our health that we discussed, I consider personal discipline as being particularly c