The White Paper

The White Paper

NNPC must go

Let’s face it, Nigeria has a problem called Nigeria National Petroleum Company Limited, NNPCL. That problem begins with the organization’s rather ambi

Re: My letter to President Tinubu

I hope our president, with his age and the cabal as his problems, has time to read this sincere letter that has no political motive but advice. Thank

My letter to President Tinubu

Dear President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. I am writing this long letter to you as a Nigerian citizen who believes that once elected, a government has the righ

On hardship protests

To protest or not to protest? This is the Shakespearean question on the lips of millions of Nigerians over the past week or so, from government offici

Reader’s comments on past two columns

My articles for this column on the 1st and 8th July both elicited quite a lot of reactions from readers. Both were also widely shared on social media,