Thursday Column

Thursday Column

Before the president falls from the sky

Once upon a time, after a long courtship, a young man was invited to submit his proposal to the proposed bride’s family. As was customary, he came in

Hardship Phase 4 and sundry issues

It all started one day in May when the president proclaimed that “Fuel subsidy is gone.” If that sounds like the beginning of a story, maybe it is. Do

The legend of Air Peace and myth of Unicorn Air

Finally, Air Peace is flying to London. It doesn’t matter how one looks at it, the conclusion is that this is a triumph for the irrepressible Nigerian

Ukraine food aid: How Nigeria can make national embarrassment a turning point

This week, Nigeria received some reprieve. Some 25,000 metric tonnes of wheat are being donated by the World Food Programme (WFP) to help curb hunger

Perfecting the idiotic art of sabotaging your country

Sometimes, some countries develop an incredible knack to shoot themselves in the foot in ways that leave an observer befuddled. Take, for instance, Sc