Thursday Column

Thursday Column

In search of the ‘detribalized’ Nigerian

Nigerians love buzzwords – slogans that are repeated frequently enough, (and imbued with assumed values), that they begin to sound like establis

In search of the ‘detribalized’ Nigerian

Nigerians love buzzwords – slogans that are repeated frequently enough, (and imbued with assumed values), that they begin to sound like establis

Nnamdi Kanu: The morning after

In my column of September 7 2017 entitled, ‘Nnamdi Kanu and the Redeemer Complex’, I made a few propositions about Nnamdi Kanu that now se

Nnamdi Kanu: The morning after

In my column of September 7 2017 entitled, ‘Nnamdi Kanu and the Redeemer Complex’, I made a few propositions about Nnamdi Kanu that now se

2019: On your marks…

When Nigerians talk about ‘2019’, we know they are referring to an event they believe will likely define that year – the holding of