Travel & Leisure

Travel & Leisure

The ups and downs of learning to Ski

Had it not been for her bright lavender coat, I would not have recognized the 3-year-old who staggered out of the lodge and took her first tentative s

The art in Florence mustn’t kill you

Florence, Italy, is the birth place of the Renaissance. It is here in the Tuscan capital that the greatest art movement and reinvention known to man w

Kaduna’s Kofar Gamji Park: Dead or alive?

The crowd which is mostly made of young men and women, families and singles all of whom throng to Kofar Gamji for various reasons, fuse at the arena.

The Legend and Lore of Notre-Dame de Reims

The story goes that in the 13th century, when three great French cathedrals were being built – Notre-Dame de Paris, Notre-Dame de Chartres and N

In awe of one of the world’s oldest mosques

One of the world’s oldest mosques, the historic Huaisheng Mosque, also referred  to as the Great Mosque of Canton, in the Peoples Republic