Travel & Leisure

Travel & Leisure

Calabar’s Slaughter Street: Nigeria’s own suya hub

Just as sellers fan embers beneath wire gauzes over which finely portioned beef roast barbeque-style, prospective buyers wave thin smoke clouds away a

Five cool spots to celebrate Valentine’s Day

It’s that time of the year again when people come together to celebrate and show love. In doing this, gifts are exchanged and places of fun visited. V

Eating healthy this valentine

In the process, most people especially the ladies add a few pounds. But with a few tips and some planning, you can get through the big night without a

Nairobi National Park, near compensation for the Serengeti

The closest encounter a lot of animal lovers have had with their favourites like wildebeests, warthogs, zebras, giraffes are on various television pro

Around and about the coral walls of Stone Town

Named for its coral stone buildings, Stone Town is located in the middle of the west coast of Unguja. The main island is described as the largest town