Travel & Leisure

Travel & Leisure

Frills, thrills of Carnival Calabar

It was again another exciting street party for residents of and visitors to the Cross River State capital, Calabar as they were entertained by the dif

Sights, sounds of Christmas

Before midnight, the interim between  December 24 and 25th, Christmas day; the air acquired a volume of unusual and yet familiar noise as fire cracker

Abu Dhabi: ‘Dubai’s less-brash sister city’

What is it known for?Located just 130km south from splashy Dubai, coastal Abu Dhabi has traditionally been known as the staid seat of the federal gove

In Kuwait, Nigerians ‘are prized immigrants’

With Nigerians facing the challenges of accessing quality health care services from their own indigenous doctors, back home here, Kuwaitis are benefit

Inside the palatial palace of Sultan of Agadez

But it was the eve of the celebrated Bianou festival.  I was highly excited, for no any great reason other than the fact that we were allowed to have