Travel & Leisure

Travel & Leisure

An inimitable hajj experience

Two of the greatest narrators of Hadith, Bukhari and Muslim quoted the messenger of Allah as saying, “He who performs Hajj for God’s good pleasure and

A voyage to Zambia

Besides, the delegate had read about Zambia’s mineral endowments, especially copper; which abound in commercial quantity. Indeed, this precious stone

Christmas: Children take charge at Wonderland, other parks

Some parents who took their time to accompany their children also had fun while keeping watch on their kids. Could they have just stood like that? The

A Perfect Christmas in the Holy Land

Forget, for a moment, notions of Christmas as a winter wonderland. Put out of your mind the jingling sleigh bells, rosy-cheeked Santas and sizzling lo

‘Tour operators should be honest with pilgrims’

Weekly Trust: As a player in the travel agency business, what challenges do you face especially during hajj operations? Ahmed Sani: The major problems