Travel & Leisure

Travel & Leisure

Things to do, see in Dubai

Described as a tribute to modern Islamic architecture, the Jumeirah Mosque is strategically located in the heart of Jumeirah. Impressive modern Islami

Inside Nazi concentration camp

More than 70 years after the holocaust, the pains and anguish of the massacre of innocent souls has not faded out from the atmosphere at the Sachsenha

A rebirth at National Theatre

The National Theatre Iganmu looks brand new, and this is a fall out of the extensive renovation work going on there which is aimed at raising the edif

Relics relieve memories of Nigeria civil war

Weekly Trust gathered from officials that the museum was built in Umuahia, the Abia State Capital, because it was a strategic military location in the

Nigeria’s past lives in Tafawa Balewa’s house

The unique thing about the late Prime Minister’s house was that everything signified something in the struggle for Nigeria’s independence. For instanc