Travel & Leisure

Travel & Leisure

Igbinedion named Grand Patron of Abuja Carnival

Performing the investiture that was attended by friends of the Esama of Benin and the diplomatic community among others, the Honourable Minister of To

Sights and scapes of Namibia

Situated in the central north, is one of the largest parks in Africa, Etosha National Park covering some 22,270km². It owes its unique landscape to th

Sights and sounds of Nigeria @ 50

Celebrating Nigeria’s Golden Jubilee was one of great fanfare with a line-up of activities involving Nigerians and tourists alike. Three major events

Idanre Hills for UNESCO Heritage list

This will add to the list of other sites in Nigeria already on the list which include Osun-Oshogbo in Osun State and Suku cultural heritage in Adamawa

Korea, Nigeria celebrate relations in dance and movement

Dance, acrobatics and theatrics are usually elements of culture and tourism. But last Wednesday, in marking Nigeria’s golden jubilee and thirty years