Travel & Leisure

Travel & Leisure

Is going on safari dangerous?

If you are in a vehicle: • Always stay in your car when driving in a game park. Only get out at designated “hides” and follow the rules that will be p

In search of Thailand’s Elephants

We arrived at Bangkok at 9 p.m. Looking down from the plane, I saw neat streets lined by rosy lamps. As we traveled toward the city on a tour coach in

Different faces of South Africa’s FIFA fever

Historic day for Mandela, South Africa yesterday marks the kick-off of the first FIFA World Cup to be held on the African continent. But the day has a

Greece’s sunny island

Year in year out, these island beauties exude such charms with their sceneries and the great weather. Some of the most visited pieces are the Mykonos

Mali: Land of art and culture

Mali was once part of three famed West African empires which controlled trans-Saharan trade in gold, salt, slaves, and other precious commodities. The