Travel & Leisure

Travel & Leisure

Western Sahara: The vivid colours of desert life

Nevertheless, the stubborn persistence of hope is at the heart of existence for the Saharawi people in these grey environments. To take up arms for li

A day of feasting on Ethiopian coffee

Ethiopians have a very beautiful traditional coffee ceremony, though it is not yet as popularized as the Japanese tea ceremony. Ethiopians consider co

Dance, tourism in South Africa

Warriors did it with spears and shields on the battlefield, and once the dust settled, women did it with a sexy shuffle in the she beens or watering h

Top 10 African safari destinations

1. Masai Mara National Reserve (Kenya) Kenya is Africa’s most popular safari destination and the Masai Mara Reserve is the most popular wildlife park

Tourism has spiritual face too

All over the world, churches, though sacred, are a part of the history and lives of the people around them. It has meant civilisation and a way of lif