Travel & Leisure

Travel & Leisure

Soldiers arrest 13 vandals at Atlas Cove

Speaking while parading the suspects, Area Manager of Atlas Cove, Felix Vono, said attacks on the oil installation would have led to a major explosion

Iceland: City of the seafarers

Only the coastal regions of Iceland are inhabited. Probably the best way to enjoy the tourist attractions is to take one of the coach tours arranged a

NAFEST ‘09: All eyes on Minna

All arrangements, according the organisers, have been concluded to make the festival an eventful one. The week-long event, slated to take place betwee

Sallah: Feast with treasures of Nigeria

Most towns in Nigeria observe the day according to their own traditions but the nature of the early morning prayers is always uniform.On the first day

As Kano get set for carnival of diversity

The day was set aside by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) for tourism friendly countries all over the world to commemorate the ev