

Nasiru Mohmmed Sama: A banker & gentleman exits

I was driving towards Sun City, Abuja, when I placed a call to late Nasiru to confirm his whereabouts. My intention was to pay him a visit that aftern

Alaramma Malam Akilu: When a loss is too tragic for words

Until recently, the last time I saw my father shedding tears of was 25 years ago, precisely on October 19, 1991. That was the day he lost his brother

Sheikh Ja’afar Adam: Same emotions 9 years after

“The best among mankind is he who brings benefit to others.” –The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (SAW)   It is now nine years since

How Muhammed Ali taught me magic

 Hours after he died, David Remnick, Editor of the New Yorker magazine, penned what will definitely be the most eloquent and elegant ob

Tribute: Though gone, Rakia lives on!

“To live in the hearts of those that love you is never to die…” – Thomas Campbell  When I got the news that my friend, Ra