

My Last Conversation with Mama HID Awolowo

My first encounter with Mama, Mrs Hannah Idowu Dideolu  Awolowo, was on November 5, 1983 after the Presidential election, which Papa AWO conteste

Abdulkadir S. Kuso: Truly a father to all

It is one thing to be a generous giver and another thing to be easy-going and approachable.  Some affluent people in the society are magnanimous,

Hannatu Chollom: A political amazon gone home

In her last moments on the hospital bed where she lied for 12 days, Ngo Yop Hannatu Chollom was still breathing social justice. She still spewed fire

Tribute to HRH Alhaji Halliru Dantoro Kitoro III (1938-2015)

 I had the privilege of coming across the Late Dantoro, the Emir of Borgu, sometime around 1990 after my return from Maiduguri as commissioner of

Between town and scholarly gown: Tribute to Prof. Tijani el-Miskin

Even when we were kids in Maiduguri in the 1960s one could safely have forecasted that Tijani el-Miskin, who died recently in the Hajj stampede, would