

A farewell letter to Goni Musa

Your long, on and off  illness kind of prepared us for this day. But no matter how well prepared one can be, it is still very painful when reality hit

Al-Adamawy: A life well-spent

For the benefit of those who may not have heard about him, Al-Adamawy was an Islamic preacher who conducted Qur’anic exegesis or commentary (Tafsir) d

Saying adieu to a beloved nephew

Some 24 hours after that, he passed on to be with his late mother, my sister Haulat. Innalillahi wa’inna ilaihair raji’un (from Allah we come and to H

In memory of Hajiya Maryamu: A tribute

The early morning of Tuesday   June 27, 2014 marked the end of Hajiya Maryamu Idris Legbo Kutigi’s sojourn on this world. If we had been asked,   thou

M.D Yusufu: A man of many worlds

a retired chief of Nigeria Police Intelligence Department as well as Inspector General of Police and a one-time Minister of Internal Affairs in the mi