

When the ‘teacher of teachers’ bows out

He doesn’t believe in short-cuts to wealth and can shout to high heavens that his wealth is the result of his sweat. In fact, reading through his life

Are we sad or are we angry?

It was about eight months ago when it all started. Who knew it would end all too suddenly? Today, one of our own is gone, this is the reality! We have

Nur Alkali: An intellectual of boundless wisdom

a former Director General of the National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), and currently, a Professor of History at UNIMAID and a de

The Rilwanu Lukman I knew

His voice sounded strong on the phone. He was full of gratitude for the call and he prayed for me and for the success of the International Institute f

Suleman Bisalla: Forever in our hearts

I probably would have spent ample time with that person which may have eased the shock that usually comes with sudden deaths. But even a premonition w