

Aminu Abba Ibrahim: Adieu my humble son in-law

“Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un” was all I could utter, and rightly, that is what is required of any true Muslim to say upon the receipt of the n

Komla Dumor: Exit of ‘a star from the start’

Komla died at the age of 41 after a suspected heart attack at his London home, the BBC said. He was the presenter of Focus on Africa, the BBC’s first-

Rabi…My rainbow of the night, not so fast!

How can the snail leave its shell for a journey of no return? Rabi, my rainbow of the night—it’s hard to believe that you are forever gone! I am

51 years after Sir Ahmadu Bello

Sardauna would continue be remembered generations upon generations because of his selfless service to the northern region in particular and the nation

Alive even in death: Tribute to a peerless statesman

Along with his love for humanity, his peaceful nature defined his entire existence.Chief Solomon Lar was born in Pongaa, Langtang, Plateau State in Ap