

Tribute to Nelson Mandela

Mandela. One name. One man. One mission: Saving a nation from itself.Few men in the history of mankind have had more impact on a nation and inspired t

Ruqayya Shehu: A mother like no other

Two years down the lane, her memory remained fresh in my mind; in fact, not a day goes by that I don’t think of her. She cared for us and lived up to

Remembering late Likita Sule Maiyawo

But coming back to why it took me over three weeks to gather the strength to write this tribute about this young, energetic, excellent man that Likita

Tsokwa: Exit of the rule of law advocate

I have never met the late legislator but I will never forget the role he played to defend the rule of law and the constitution of Nigeria in the chaos

Emmanuel Aimioshio Obinyan:Adieu to my loving husband

There stood three friends talking and really enjoying their conversa¬tion after a meal at FORKS AND FINGERS restaurant, situated at the SUB. Among the