

Rahimatu, you were more than just a wife

Innaa lillah Wa Innaa ilaihi Raajiuun (from Allah we come and to Him we shall return). As a widower for the last two years, I am still under the emoti

Jega: Saying goodbye is never easy

When we first met, young Abdullahi was living with an uncle in Gusau (the present capital of Zamfara State), but his family was based in Sokoto. On my

Saying a hard goodbye to Hadiza

10th of June or day of doom Day that left us in pain and gloom Day that left us in sorrow I still hope it was a terrible dream But the dream is taking

Epitaph to Shanono

We had barely grappled with the smothering unease that accompanied the news that you were the only one that could not be found among a host of other b

The fall of a genius: Mohammed Inuwa Natiti

To each one of us, life is precious. There is nothing that means more to us than our well being and that of the people we love the most; our family, f