

At 70, sun set for Dr GTN Ajakpo: A friend and prayer partner

As I punch the keyboard to write this, it still feels like a dream. A very bad dream. As I struggle to stitch the words, I fight back tears. It is as

A little too soon for Professor Osakwe

I always feel sad whenever a scholar passes on. I have high regards for intellectuals and people with special gifts. What more of a man who happened t

Kano LG chairman dies 3 days after winning polls

Namadi died on Tuesday around 1:00a.m, according to this campaign’s public relations officer, Ibrahim Tiga.

Remembering Audrey Cowley: Mother, missionary in Jos school

Students in Baptist High School, Jos from 1961 to 1976 will be more devastated on reading the news of the passing onto glory of their second mother, M

Simply the best – Tribute to Ahmad Gana Muhammad (Galasa)

Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi raji’un Ahmed, not a day goes by that we don’t think of you, our brother and friend. Every day, we thank God for the privi