

PROF OLADIPO OLUJIMI AKINKUGBE: My father, mentor, friend and confidant; time to say goodbye

One of the most illustrious sons of Nigeria in contemporary history, Emeritus Professor Oladipo Olujimi Akinkugbe was laid to rest recently in a hail

How mum left us a story

My mum, Mrs. Asabe Simon Bivan, passed to glory on June 28, 2020, my birthday. Typical of the writer she was, she probably needed to leave us with a s

A close friend for 40 years

“Writing a tribute to a recently departed family member, colleague or close personal friend is one of the most distressing experiences in the wr

Inuwa Abdul-kadir: Exit of a doyen

Inna lillahi ma akhazha wa lahu ma’ a’da’ wa kullu shai’in indahu li’ajalin musamma   Monday, July 6, 2020 began like every other day. After atte

Dr. Maikanti Baru: A short life well spent!

When I got out of bed in the wee hours of Saturday, May 30, 2020 and stumbled into the restroom, the thought on my mind was to get in there, do what I