Tuesday Column

Tuesday Column

What sacrifice has Tinubu made?

Last week, a reader by name Olajide called from Abeokuta, Ogun State, and engaged me in a very interesting discussion on the state of the nation, espe

Re: Who will lead the North? Response to Dr Femi Orebe’s drivel

I should feel flattered that a seasoned columnist with ‘The Nation’ newspaper, Dr Femi Orebe, would collaborate with an unnamed ‘’Professor” to subjec

Who and what is a Northerner?

Following my several articles on the issues currently trending in northern Nigeria, a long term friend and classmate of mine during our schooling days

All arms armed and robbing Nigeria

It is always annoying and contemptuous when other countries choose to expose Nigeria’s national secrets the way the Chinese just did. Before the Chine

Nigeria’s farewell to bad leadership

Congratulations Nigeria. Three weeks ago, when the idea of permanently ending bad governance via street protests was first mooted, it looked like anot