Tuesday Column

Tuesday Column

And the greatest bidder is…

Democracy is not an African concept. Yet, the continent as well as other powerless nations of the earth have been forced to embrace, adopt and adapt t

Idris, Etteh and Useni’s corruption of – Olè gbé, Olè gbàá

Ask any Nigerian police investigator, they can tell a thief from his face. Thieves once broke into our rented house in Oro Road, Ilorin; my landlady c

On Deborah Samuel: Two Wrongs Ain’t Right

Just when you think things would never get worse in Nigeria, it suddenly does. Except you are a fan of the distasteful political arena, good news is a

Wanted – A visionary leader to fix Nigeria

Nigeria is a football-loving nation. A national league thrived in this country long before corruption killed and buried it. From its ashes rose the po

Road to Kigali, UK’s new London

Nigerian villages have this peculiar feature; they come with signposts. If there is no ‘Welcome to…’ sign on the road to your village, it is not signi