

The salient issues in the 2019 general election

Nigeria is in an electoral season and once again the atmosphere is fired up with uncertainties. In contrast with what is obtainable in advanced democr

Why our reading culture is dying

Many public affairs analysts and educationists are pointing accusing fingers, unrelentingly, at poverty, corruption, poor reading environment, lack of

What type of man is Oshiomhole?

I must admit that when I first heard Comrade Adams Oshiomhole was appointed as the National Chairman of ruling party All Peoples Congress (APC), I res

Thoughts on Alhaji Alhaji’s milestone of 80

Alhaji (Sir) Abubakar Alhaji is a man propelled into fame by a sequence of unpredictable events with an impact so profound that it can rightly be cons

What a Kenyan slum can teach America about politics

Many Americans who voted in the midterm elections were hungry for change. They pinned their hopes on politicians who they felt embodied the values and