

Reversing the stigma associated with intersex children

The term hermaphrodite refers to an organism that has reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes. It can also be said to

Gov. Badaru, please fix Kafin-Hausa-Auyo road

There are many bad roads across Nigeria, and the case of Jigawa State is not different. Many lives are lost daily due to the poor state of roads, whic

Buhari’s second term will guarantee development

The 2019 general elections are around the corner and Nigerians are warming up to elect new leaders who will steer the affairs of the country for anoth

Why we should take cancer seriously

Cancer remains one of mankind’s deadliest noncontagious diseases. It is therefore not only worrisome and disturbing, but also scary to learn that one

Let there be peace in Kaduna

The Kaduna mayhem is everybody’s business. The crises led to loss of many lives and properties worth millions if not billions, and made many stranded,