

Why Akwa Ibom deserves more

Akwa Ibom State is one of the major oil producing states in the country, in fact it is the one with the most output and in view of that it is strategi

Improving the lot of women in agriculture

The Nigerian woman plays a vital role in planting, harvesting, preservation, processing and post harvesting technology management. They also take part

Why Kaduna violence must stop

The Kasuwan Magani crisis over a week ago claimed the lives of over 55 people and later moved to Kaduna metropolis, where an additional 22 lives were

Tribute to a brother, John Odey

L ife and its ironies and mysteries. How a man so full of life, so full of energy, with an unusual capacity for love and friendship would be snatched

Global health system is as strong as its weakest link

The West African Ebola outbreak started in a small village in Guinea. It shows the value of investing in grassroots healthcare   In the city of B