

Ladol/Samsung face-off and national interest

It is just as well that Lagos Deep Offshore Logistics, LADOL and Samsung Heavy Industries, SHI, have chosen to take their trade dispute to both the Co

Plateau pond of blood: A metaphor of elite recolonisation of Nigeria

The Plateau pond of blood is a sad metaphor of the huge pond of blood that has become the reality of our national life. Nigeria has become a huge isla

Khashoggi’s killing isn’t a blunder, it’s a crime

Saudi Arabia’s apparent torture, murder and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi has been met in some quarters with more lamentation than outrage. Here &#

Project baseline aims to ward off illness before we get sick

Researchers are recruiting 10,000 volunteers to discover the earliest warning signs of cancer, heart disease and other killers.   One of the sobe

Plateau: That lasting peace may reign

What happened in Plateau State recently, which has for some time been experiencing peace and calm is quite unfortunate. The sudden killings by yet to