

In praise of the crowd

I walked towards where Maryam sat in my parlour and gently placed the big glass of tiger-nut juice next to her. ‘Here you are, now you can have

Kaduna and drivers of TSA

The Accountant-General of Kaduna State, Umar Waziri, is one of the top government functionaries giving their modest, but excellent contributions to th

Let’s tackle Lassa fever

So far we have recorded many deaths from Lassa fever and personally I don’t think the disease should be having so much impact on the nation sinc

Time to celebrate military personnel

It is time for all Nigerians irrespective of religious or ethnic group to celebrate our military personnel.  For many years now, parts of the cou

Why we should take cancer seriously

There is this erroneous believe among a section of Nigerians that cancer is not a disease of the poor man or that it does not even affect Nigerians.&n