

Ahmed Rufai Abubakar: Lest the lies sink in

“The first duty of a man is to think for himself.” These immortal words of José Martí, the late Cuban journalist, poet and p

The South and Nigeria’s democracy

The handshake across the Niger Summit has come and gone.  Although the event was fraught with strategic shortfalls, the move ought to be encourag

Ensuring maritime security

To say that the Maritime security is very important to the nation’s economy will be putting it mildly. The maritime is in fact the heartbeat of the ec

The TSA: Linkages of government finances and the present fuel scarcity

As I write this piece and start a very important conversation, I find myself in a somewhat precarious situation. First, I am a member of the House of

Obasanjo’s delusional messianic complex

General Olusegun Obasanjo, erstwhile military dictator and civilian despot, is so predictable, one could almost set a watch by it! The country goes th