

On South-west joint task force on security

It was reported last Monday that South-west governors met in Abeokuta, Ogun State over security situation in the region. According to newspapers&rsquo

Suggestions for Kano State

In line with participatory democracy, every citizen is deemed to be a stakeholder in the political, social and economic scheme of things. I think, wit

When the envelop is brown (II)

Facts is, today the brown envelope more or less defines the unprofessional conduct of the average Nigerian journalist. The concept was popularised lon

Two-and-a-half decades battling sickle cell

I woke up this morning healthy, at least for now. Crisis may decide to make an impromptu visit anytime. This has been my story for twenty-five years.

Govt should encourage farmers to sustain yam export

As the government commences the exportation of yams, it needs to do more to encourage farmers so that the policy can be sustained. We have been talkin