

#NotTooYoungToRun: Why legislators must not kill this bill

To say that I, and indeed all Nigerian youth, are disappointed at the recent development in the National Assembly regarding the Not Too Young To Run b

The law courts, Nigeria and our democracy

The law courts play very vital roles in a society through the administration of justice – interpretation of the laws of the land; protection of

Let’s all work to improve Nigeria

There is no need to sit back and criticize all that is wrong with the country. We can all play a role in making it better.  We need to change our

Why govt needs to check population growth

There is an urgent need for the federal government to check population growth because at the moment, the nation’s population is over 175 million

From Senate comes a relief for gunshot victims

At the end of 2008, there was a tragic story in the newspapers about a young 8-year-old boy that died from a single gunshot wound that could have been