

Deconstructing the needless Southern Kaduna killings

It is rather unfortunate that the farmers-herders clashes in Kaduna State is placed in a very wrong dimension even as commentaries by opinion molders

His desperate remedy

Tahir had just walked into the sitting room, for his daily network news ritual at 9pm, when my phone began to ring. Before I could reach it and pick h

Time to check illegal closure of hospitals

Late last year, it was reported that a private hospital in Abuja was allegedly shut down by some radiographers without minding that there were special

Re: Need to cut wastages in educational institutions

The letter to the editor, published on page 43 of Daily Trust on February 2, 2017 and written by Halilu Hassan, was very apt. I have observed that som

Why all Nigerians must embrace change

The fastest way Nigerians can save, change and make the country great is for everyone of us leaders and followers to practise and promote politics of