

We commend Niger State on this

I am happy to read that the Niger State government is re-introducing teacher collages in the state. It is a good move that will impact on the educatio

Tragicomedy of a corrupt “Anti-Corruption” government

This column has lately become morepassionate aboutgoings-on in Nigeria’s political and economic spheres than is usual. I can’t help it. Th

Bring back Nigerian grains board

It has been a season of glad tidings on the lips of government and its spokespersons whose only ‘Breaking News’ for Nigerians in the past

Nigeria wants peace to return to Turkey

Violent extremism in Turkey has destroyed the peace and stability enjoyed by the Turkish citizens, and now the country is characterized by political u

Controlling your kids’ minds: Quick and dirty tricks for parents and teachers (II)

Obviously, many parents want to apply mind control against their children, if the reactions to the last week’s column are any indication.