

Harmonizing legislation and executive policy

In September, just two weeks after the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) confirmed that the Nigerian economy was in a recession, President of the Se

How to show you love the President (and by Extension, Nigeria)

We will be talking about love. Because really, there is no greater thing that one can do but be in love and show this love through deeds and words. In

Re: Buhari’s forgotten Ministers

The third quarter GDP figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), a few weeks ago revealed two major facts about the economy: One, th

Et tu, Jammeh?

He, certainly, has the longest name among African leaders bar the late Mobutu: Yahaya Abdul-Aziz Jemus Junkun Jammeh.  He refuses to wear the cro

The challenges facing the growth of tourism in Africa

I was privileged to attend the 12th edition of the African Travel & Tourism Conference (Akwaaba): a gathering of travel and tourism experts in Afr