

The right kind of echo

‘How I wish we had this kind of simultaneous response, it would have helped our cause greatly.’ I said to Tahir, when he handed the newspaper to

A Warning Shot from Bamako

“Pity the nation that welcomes its new ruler with trumpeting, and farewells him with hooting, only to welcome another with trumpeting again.” —Khalil

Can the North retain political power in 2023? (II)

Although there have been a strident clamour for power to be rotated to the South by leading southern political figures and political analysts, there i

Time to reflect on our security chiefs and situation in Nigeria

I read Daily Trust’s cover story on Wednesday 5 /8/ 2020, and I must commend you for the write-up; but I think there were important areas you did not

Restructuring the Nigerian music industry

The Nigerian music industry has come of age and at present, it is regarded as the biggest music market in Africa, with a lineup of A-list artiste like