

Backwardness or progress, what does the North want? (II)

That the North needs a fundamental reality check in view of its continuing slide and degeneration cannot be overemphasised. The North must accept the

African hospitality and its many socio-economic benefits

As African countries strive to tackle the socio-economic challenges that beset the continent, one area they may have to focus on for solution is the h

Backwardness or progress, what does the North want? (I)

Banditry, kidnapping, drug abuse, almajirai, excruciating poverty, terrorism and insurgency, sectarian violence, ethnic and religious bigotry, these a

Four tears: Nigerian Television Authority at 40

One wet morning of August 1977 my trip to assume duty at NTV, Kaduna was temporarily halted on the bridge at Rigachikun village as a result of an acci

President Buhari, Nigeria is at tipping point

In many ways, the massacre of scores of persons and abduction of many more by Boko Haram insurgents at a checkpoint in the town of Auno, some 25 kilom