

When complaint is seen as messy and divisive

The recent statement by the presidency cautioning citizens from protesting against worsening insecurity and Mr. President’s refusal to remove the serv

Re: Restructuring or secession, what does the South-West really want?

As expected, my two part piece on the above subject matter generated a lot of comments. And quite unsurprisingly most of the responses were from my Yo

Remembering Murtala Ramat Muhammed: A Fulani, Nigerian

Murtala Ramat Muhammed’s ancestry can be traced to two of the five prominent clans of the Fulani that led the 19th century jihad in Kano. On his pater

Restructuring or secession, what does the South-West really want? (II)

The principle of territorial acquisition following successful conquest by a victorious party in a war between protagonist states is recognised in inte

Re: Kwankwasiyya and its impact on Kano politics

Our attention has been drawn to an article written by Yusha’u A. Ibrahim in your Inside Politics page, captioned Kwakwasiyya and its impact on Kano Po