

Emefiele’s new naira revolution

Like a classical movie, Nigeria’s economy is in uncontrollable suspense and boosting economic risks, just as hazards are occupying Nigeria’s political

ChatGPT and the Turing Test: Can machines truly mimic human intelligence?

  “The question is not whether machines can think but whether men do. The mystery which surrounds a thinking machine already surrounds a thinking

Requirements for returning a president

Since the advent of the Fourth Republic, Nigeria has witnessed five election cycles, to wit: 1999; 2003; 2007; 2011 and 2019. By the same token, we ha

Prof. Pantami and Prof. Bugaje’s books are solutions to Nigeria’s problems

Recently, Professor Sheik Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami, the Minister of Communication and Digital Economy launched a book titled “Skills Rather Than Just D

Excessive love of wealth: A pivotal factor that triggers individual and societal problems

  As an adage says ‘money is the root cause of evil; it can push a person to heaven likewise it is capable of leading him or her to hell’. Having