

FCT Minister, wake up: Kidnappers under your nose

Abuja security agents claim that F.C.T is one of the safest cities in the world, when in actual fact that is currently being challenged. There have be

Orita Obele’s erosion washed up roads affect business growth

Orita Obele, a residential area in Akure has been plagued with bad roads caused by erosion that has caused the roads to be almost inaccessible to moto

Technical schools should be considered by parents and students

Technical schools are institutes that specialize in training students in some career fields. These schools specialize in practicalizing, they teach an

BRT buses, death traps?

The government has done to well to provide convenient and affordable buses for its citizens but these buses need to be maintained regularly. They do n

VAT increase in Nigeria’s best interest

The Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Zainab Ahmed, proposed that Nigeria’s VAT be increased from 5% to 7.2%. This has caused a lot o