

Why Obasanjo’s voice does not, and can’t matter

Those endowed with wisdom say we should ‘learn to separate the message from the messenger.’ This is by no means good advice especially when being conf

Why has our reading culture disappeared?

Once upon a time in Nigeria, youths enjoyed reading a lot even without being compelled to do so.  As a result, they were able to gather a lot of books

Before the 2019 General Elections

The political campaigns in Nigeria are at a stage when the level of activity is at its highest. The contestants for the office of the President of Nig

A note on Nigeria’s presidential debates

If voting in the February 16 presidential election were to be influenced by candidates’ performances in the January 19 presidential debate, then both

Capitalizing on Africa’s Demographic Dividend

Africa is home to the world’s youngest and fastest-growing population. With as many as 20 million young people poised to join the workforce every year