

C-JTF, Kashim and potency of collaboration

It will soon be ten years since the first shot which ignited the Boko Haram insurgency in Maiduguri was fired and ever since, peace has eluded Borno S

Mary Ogebe: A quintessential northern star @ 75

Dr. (Mrs) Mary Dija Ogebe MBBS. DA, unarguably, scores first in many respects. She stands tall above her peers. She is a trail blazer and first female

Free and fair elections (II)

Civil liberty can be described either in terms of social climate or in terms of legal rights and safeguards. The climate of liberty is one in which a

Fallacy of politics and electoral campaigns in Nigeria (II)

It will be delusional to imagine that APC, in its five years of existence, has succeeded in resolving all associated political party management proble

Contrapuntal reading: Annotating Edward Said

Recently I have had some reasons to think over Edward Said’s concept of contrapuntal reading/analysis and how that concept is often exemplified in our