Vox Pop

Vox Pop

When last did you visit the library?

Francisca Ikwu, 35, Kaduna  I was at the Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna doing research recently. Actually, I use a number of libraries. It

Nigerians react to murmurs of university tuition hike

Malam Sani Misau, 43, Lecturer, Dutse, Jigawa State Tuition fee for indigenous Nigerians is actually free. It is the school fees that have been increa

How should corrupt gov’t officials be punished?

Daniel Karlmax, 34, Journalist, Sabon Tasha, Kaduna Since this is a democratic era, anchored in accordance to the rules of law, I suggest corrupt offi

What should be appropriate punishment for kidnappers?

Many kidnap incidences have been reported in various parts of the country and just last week, the abduction of 20 people on the Abuja-Kaduna road. Dai

How often do you buy made-in-Nigeria goods?

Chidinma Praise Inegbu, 18, Student, Bayelsa State It depends on the product. I can’t buy Nigerian shoes, for example. The ones I have seen are