

Can Yar’adua be trusted?

The story is longer than that and it must be told for emphasis. After serial government panels, a circus show at the House of Representatives followed

When justice is unjust

Is that justice? Well, let’s examine it. Arise has been addressed as a senator of the Federal Republic for two years plus, a title he was not qualifie

The FEC and the bogus road contracts

We should actually dub these FEC meetings the federal tender’s board. All it does especially in the past weeks is to award frivolous contracts. There

Rain check for Lamido Sanusi

I’d seen Sanusi a number of times.  He was always the spectacular guy at many of First Bank’s cocktails.  Usually dressed in a fitted cream coloured s

The biology of Nigerian politics

Each time, I x-ray the activities of the Nigerian National Assembly as it is currently constituted; I just continue to remember the lessons of Mr Agud